Earn money writing articles with Estivi



Did you know that  Estivi  you can  make money  just  writing articles . You pay 100% of what you generate in with your  Google AdSense , ie your AdSense advertising is displayed on the right 100% of the time, 24 hours a day, on every page you create and profit they always go out of there for you.


How it works?

  1. Registered on Estivi .
  2. You create sites that are specific and original content on topics that you know and like:  . Health, money, travel, sports, music, makeup, recipes, etc.  There are plenty of possible topics!
  3. Google AdSense Ads will appear and you will pay each time someone other than you you click on the ads that are displayed (if you "cheat clicks" I ban you, you will lose your time and money).


How is this possible?

  • Once you've registered Estivi , you need to register in Google AdSense. This will give you a code editor that bring them into your account Estivi and we show you all the pages that you think. Your ads will always appear on the right 100% of the time. In this way, profits from the ads that will be displayed for you and go to your Google AdSense account, not Estivi. You  have the absolute control  of all your winnings, we do not handle your money.
  • Estivi will not take any of that money, others just will place ads next to yours.

Can I promote my websites, blogs, affiliate links and the like?

Yes, you can put perfectly without any problem links to your websites, blogs, affiliate links, etc..  Estivi is ideal for  free advertising ! No limit on links on pages that you think long and when you include sufficient, relevant, useful and unique content that is not copied from anywhere else. Remember to check the rules.

How much money can I make?

Since Estivi is not what you ultimately pay, but Google AdSense, this can not be known with certainty since each advert has a price per click that is stipulated advertiser to place your ad. The only thing that can help you with respect to the question is that if you write about topics related products and services, such as banks, finance, hotels, makeup, flights, computers and the like, these themes are very well paid and so therefore more likely to earn more money. You can do some searching on the net about how much you earn with AdSense, there are many people who have the same doubt. But from Estivi, I say without a doubt that it depends on your job.

What are the payment methods?

Google AdSense has different payment methods according to your address. Can you use the website in which they talk about the payment methods Google AdSense. In any case, until the date on which this page was created, possessed of these payment methods:
  • Cheque.
  • Bank Transfer.
  • Western Union Quick Cash.
  • Fast.

When do I get paid?

Provided that you have complied with the  rules Estivi  rules and AdSense, you will receive your payment to reach the minimum set by Google AdSense which varies according to the currency in which you decide to charge. You can see the page with the minimum payment AdSense. Below, we put some examples:
  • Payment in  EUROS  --->  € 70  minimum.
  • Payment in  U.S. DOLLARS  --->  $ 100  minimum.
- Extracted by Estivi: http://www.estivi.es/pagina.php?title=Ganar-dinero-con-Estivi&id=155 # sthash.AezBbLTp.dpuf NOTICE: estivi NO LONGER WORK WITH GOOGLE ADSENSE BUT WITH OUR OWN estivi ADS.


Did you know that  Estivi  you can  make money  just  writing articles . You pay 100% of what you generate in with your  Google AdSense , ie your AdSense advertising is displayed on the right 100% of the time, 24 hours a day, on every page you create and profit they always go out of there for you.


How it works?

  1. Registered on Estivi .
  2. You create sites that are specific and original content on topics that you know and like:  . Health, money, travel, sports, music, makeup, recipes, etc.  There are plenty of possible topics!
  3. Google AdSense Ads will appear and you will pay each time someone other than you you click on the ads that are displayed (if you "cheat clicks" I ban you, you will lose your time and money).


How is this possible?

  • Once you've registered Estivi , you need to register in Google AdSense. This will give you a code editor that bring them into your account Estivi and we show you all the pages that you think. Your ads will always appear on the right 100% of the time. In this way, profits from the ads that will be displayed for you and go to your Google AdSense account, not Estivi. You  have the absolute control  of all your winnings, we do not handle your money.
  • Estivi will not take any of that money, others just will place ads next to yours.

Can I promote my websites, blogs, affiliate links and the like?

Yes, you can put perfectly without any problem links to your websites, blogs, affiliate links, etc..  Estivi is ideal for  free advertising ! No limit on links on pages that you think long and when you include sufficient, relevant, useful and unique content that is not copied from anywhere else. Remember to check the rules.

How much money can I make?

Since Estivi is not what you ultimately pay, but Google AdSense, this can not be known with certainty since each advert has a price per click that is stipulated advertiser to place your ad. The only thing that can help you with respect to the question is that if you write about topics related products and services, such as banks, finance, hotels, makeup, flights, computers and the like, these themes are very well paid and so therefore more likely to earn more money. You can do some searching on the net about how much you earn with AdSense, there are many people who have the same doubt. But from Estivi, I say without a doubt that it depends on your job.

What are the payment methods?

Google AdSense has different payment methods according to your address. Can you use the website in which they talk about the payment methods Google AdSense. In any case, until the date on which this page was created, possessed of these payment methods:
  • Cheque.
  • Bank Transfer.
  • Western Union Quick Cash.
  • Fast.

When do I get paid?

Provided that you have complied with the  rules Estivi  rules and AdSense, you will receive your payment to reach the minimum set by Google AdSense which varies according to the currency in which you decide to charge. You can see the page with the minimum payment AdSense. Below, we put some examples:
  • Payment in  EUROS  --->  € 70  minimum.
  • Payment in  U.S. DOLLARS  --->  $ 100  minimum.
- Extracted by Estivi: http://www.estivi.es/pagina.php?title=Ganar-dinero-con-Estivi&id=155 # sthash.AezBbLTp.dpuf
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