Thousands of free guaranteed visitors to your site with Estivi

In  Estivi  allowed to add pages, as the function of a search engine / directory typical lifetime, also specializes in creating pages (see  Estivi AddContent .) 

All pages are added also be incorporated into the  index . Therefore any search engine such as  Google  will see your link. 

This tutorial will explain  step by step how to add a page to Estivi . We will use screenshots (pictures) for the full explanation is more visual and easy to understand for the novice user. Go! 

Step 1 

We look for the link where it says "Add to Estivi:  Page . "and we click on it 


Step 2 

Cuandonos we leave this screen, which gives us a choice we want to do, if you add a page or create a page we chose the first:  "Add a page to Estivi"

online shops

Step 3 

Time to enter all the data to the page you want to add. We fill in the following fields: 

Title:  Keep it short and "to the point". Write the main theme of our dealing. 
Description:  We put in 2 lines a brief description of what is our site. 
Url:  We have to write the exact URL of the page that we will add. Must contain "http://www.", So that this remains (example): 
Url image:  Here again we enter another URL but this time most of our image. Ideally, choose an image that looks good and has a size of 60 x 60 pixels. 

web directory

Step 4 

In step 4, we have to enter all the keywords that have to do with the page you are adding. The  keywords  are the key words that users Estivi come to you. If your website is a bike, some keywords might be: 


No keywords limit so we can add as many as you want. Remember that each keyword must be on a new line. 

Free visits

If all you have done well, we should see a screen similar to this, in which we report our page has been added successfully. 

link directory


would not hurt to  check some time later , maybe a few days,  if our page has been approved  ourselves doing a search using one of the keywords that got to add our site. In the example shown we use the keyword "bike trails" we give "Try a Estivi" and guala! aperece us page. 

free sales

Source:  How to add a page to Estivi  In  Estivi  allowed to add pages, as the function of a search engine / directory typical lifetime, also specializes in creating pages (see  Estivi AddContent .) 

All pages are added also be incorporated into the  index . Therefore any search engine such as  Google  will see your link. 

This tutorial will explain  step by step how to add a page to Estivi . We will use screenshots (pictures) for the full explanation is more visual and easy to understand for the novice user. Go! 

Step 1 

We look for the link where it says "Add to Estivi:  Page . "and we click on it 


Step 2 

Cuandonos we leave this screen, which gives us a choice we want to do, if you add a page or create a page we chose the first:  "Add a page to Estivi"

online shops

Step 3 

Time to enter all the data to the page you want to add. We fill in the following fields: 

Title:  Keep it short and "to the point". Write the main theme of our dealing. 
Description:  We put in 2 lines a brief description of what is our site. 
Url:  We have to write the exact URL of the page that we will add. Must contain "http://www.", So that this remains (example): 
Url image:  Here again we enter another URL but this time most of our image. Ideally, choose an image that looks good and has a size of 60 x 60 pixels. 

web directory

Step 4 

In step 4, we have to enter all the keywords that have to do with the page you are adding. The  keywords  are the key words that users Estivi come to you. If your website is a bike, some keywords might be: 


No keywords limit so we can add as many as you want. Remember that each keyword must be on a new line. 

Free visits

If all you have done well, we should see a screen similar to this, in which we report our page has been added successfully. 

link directory


would not hurt to  check some time later , maybe a few days,  if our page has been approved  ourselves doing a search using one of the keywords that got to add our site. In the example shown we use the keyword "bike trails" we give "Try a Estivi" and guala! aperece us page. 

free sales

Source:  How to add a page to Estivi 
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